# Nmap 7.94SVN scan initiated Tue Feb 11 17:23:14 2025 as: nmap --privileged -sV -p- -T4 -O --min-parallelism 100 --max-rtt-timeout 1s -oN /var/www/html/nmap/results/f3d1f91d-9c78-4ff4-b86f-e49d607cc6b8.txt Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0023s latency). Not shown: 65530 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 110/tcp closed pop3 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (91%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (91%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (91%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0024s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0026s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0025s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0024s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0026s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (89%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (89%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.010s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0022s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0019s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0021s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65531 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0019s latency). Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Apache httpd 443/tcp open ssl/http Apache httpd Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port OS fingerprint not ideal because: Missing a closed TCP port so results incomplete No OS matches for host Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0022s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0033s latency). Not shown: 65530 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0022s latency). Not shown: 65529 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0023s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0022s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0021s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0021s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0024s latency). Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http ReelMeIn 443/tcp open ssl/https ReelMeIn 2 services unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprints at https://nmap.org/cgi-bin/submit.cgi?new-service : ==============NEXT SERVICE FINGERPRINT (SUBMIT INDIVIDUALLY)============== SF-Port80-TCP:V=7.94SVN%I=7%D=2/11%Time=67ABA10A%P=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu%r(G SF:etRequest,1F10,"HTTP/1\.1\x20200\x20OK\r\nDate:\x20Tue,\x2011\x20Feb\x2 SF:02025\x2019:12:19\x20GMT\r\nServer:\x20ReelMeIn\r\nVary:\x20RSC,Next-Ro SF:uter-State-Tree,Next-Router-Prefetch,Accept-Encoding\r\nx-nextjs-cache: SF:\x20HIT\r\nX-Powered-By:\x20Next\.js\r\nCache-Control:\x20s-maxage=3153 SF:6000,\x20stale-while-revalidate\r\nETag:\x20\"nieykf5y3w5uz\"\r\nConten SF:t-Type:\x20text/html;\x20charset=utf-8\r\nContent-Length:\x207601\r\nCo SF:nnection:\x20close\r\n\r\n405:\x20Method\ SF:x20Not\x20Allowed\r\n\r\n\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20Microsoft\x20Azure SF:\x20Web\x20App\x20-\x20Error\x20404\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20html\x20{\r\n\x SF:20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20height:\x20100%;\r\n\x20\ SF:x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20width:\x20100%;\r\n\x20\x20\ SF:x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20}\r\n\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20#featur SF:e\x20{\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20width:\x20960 SF:px;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20margin:\x2075px\ SF:x20auto\x200\x20auto;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x SF:20overflow:\x20auto;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20}\r\n\r\n\x20\x SF:20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20#content\x20{\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20 SF:\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20font-family:\x20\"Segoe\x20UI\";\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20font-weight:\x20normal;\r\n\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20font-size:\x2022px;\r\n\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20color:\x20#ffffff;\r\n\x20\x20\x20 SF:\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20float:\x20left;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20 SF:\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20margin-top:\x2068px;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20margin-left:\x200px;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x SF:20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20vertical-align:\x20middle;\r\n\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20}\r\n\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\ SF:x20\x20\x20#content\x20h1\x20{\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\ SF:x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20font-family:\x20\"Segoe\x20UI\x20Light\";\r\ SF:n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20color: SF:\x20#ffffff;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20font-weight:\x20normal;\r\n\x20\x20\x20")%r(HTTPOptions,AF1,"H SF:TTP/1\.1\x20404\x20Site\x20Not\x20Found\r\nContent-Length:\x202667\r\nC SF:onnection:\x20close\r\nContent-Type:\x20text/html\r\nDate:\x20Tue,\x201 SF:1\x20Feb\x202025\x2019:12:09\x20GMT\r\n\r\n\r\n SF:\r\n\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20Microsoft\x20Azure\x20Web\x20App\x SF:20-\x20Error\x20404\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20html\x20{\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x SF:20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20height:\x20100%;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\ SF:x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20width:\x20100%;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\ SF:x20\x20}\r\n\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20#feature\x20{\r\n\x20\x SF:20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20width:\x20960px;\r\n\x20\x20\ SF:x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20margin:\x2075px\x20auto\x200\x20 SF:auto;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20overflow:\x20a SF:uto;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20}\r\n\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x SF:20\x20\x20#content\x20{\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20 SF:\x20font-family:\x20\"Segoe\x20UI\";\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20font-weight:\x20normal;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20font-size:\x2022px;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20color:\x20#ffffff;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20 SF:\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20float:\x20left;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20 SF:\x20\x20\x20\x20margin-top:\x2068px;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20margin-left:\x200px;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x SF:20\x20\x20\x20\x20vertical-align:\x20middle;\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20}\r\n\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20#cont SF:ent\x20h1\x20{\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\ SF:x20\x20\x20font-family:\x20\"Segoe\x20UI\x20Light\";\r\n\x20\x20\x20\x2 SF:0\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20color:\x20#ffffff;\r\n SF:\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20font-we SF:ight:\x20normal;\r\n\x20\x20\x20"); Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port OS fingerprint not ideal because: Missing a closed TCP port so results incomplete No OS matches for host Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65530 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 110/tcp closed pop3 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (91%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (91%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (91%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65529 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Node.js Express framework 443/tcp open ssl/http Node.js Express framework Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port OS fingerprint not ideal because: Missing a closed TCP port so results incomplete No OS matches for host Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0019s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65532 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 443/tcp closed https Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0022s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 443/tcp closed https Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65531 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.011s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65529 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0020s latency). Not shown: 65528 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0 110/tcp closed pop3 143/tcp closed imap 443/tcp closed https 587/tcp closed submission 993/tcp closed imaps 995/tcp closed pop3s Device type: load balancer Running (JUST GUESSING): Citrix embedded (90%) Aggressive OS guesses: Citrix NetScaler load balancer (90%), Citrix NetScaler VPX load balancer (85%) No exact OS matches for host (test conditions non-ideal). Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0016s latency). Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http Node.js Express framework 443/tcp open ssl/http Node.js Express framework Warning: OSScan results may be unreliable because we could not find at least 1 open and 1 closed port OS fingerprint not ideal because: Missing a closed TCP port so results incomplete No OS matches for host Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.0013s latency). Not shown: 65533 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 80/tcp open http ReelMeIn 443/tcp open ssl/https ReelMeIn 2 services unrecognized despite returning data. If you know the service/version, please submit the following fingerprints at https://nmap.org/cgi-bin/submit.cgi?new-service : ==============NEXT SERVICE FINGERPRINT (SUBMIT INDIVIDUALLY)============== SF-Port80-TCP:V=7.94SVN%I=7%D=2/11%Time=67ABA211%P=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu%r(G SF:etRequest,1F10,"HTTP/1\.1\x20200\x20OK\r\nDate:\x20Tue,\x2011\x20Feb\x2 SF:02025\x2019:16:42\x20GMT\r\nServer:\x20ReelMeIn\r\nVary:\x20RSC,Next-Ro SF:uter-State-Tree,Next-Router-Prefetch,Accept-Encoding\r\nx-nextjs-cache: SF:\x20HIT\r\nX-Powered-By:\x20Next\.js\r\nCache-Control:\x20s-maxage=3153 SF:6000,\x20stale-while-revalidate\r\nETag:\x20\"nieykf5y3w5uz\"\r\nConten SF:t-Type:\x20text/html;\x20charset=utf-8\r\nContent-Length:\x207601\r\nCo SF:nnection:\x20close\r\n\r\n405:\x20Method\ SF:x20Not\x20Allowed